Gorkha Municipality has celebrated 108th women's day dated at 8th march, 2018. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.
The result have been published (अस्पताल व्यवस्थापक, स्टाफ नर्स, अनमी तथा अ. हे. व.) and successful candidates are requested to attend the interview examination at gorkha municipality at following dates and time. Please refer to the attached file for name list and timings.
On the occassion of 108th Women's Day, Gorkha Municipality has set up a interaction program for the celebration of women's day. The program is assigned to duly take place dated at 2074/11/24 and municipality warmly welcomes every individuals to be a part of the programme.
Gorkha Municipality has started waste management and cleanliness program from all its 14 wards at the same time. With the presence of respective ward president, ward members, municipal officials and community development committee, the program has duly started from 24th feb, 2018.
Gorkha Municipality feels honored to welcome delegation of Swedish Parliamentarians in Gorkha at 20th Feb, 2018. The programme was conducted in the leadership of mayor of gorkha municipality, Rajan Raj Panta.
यस नगरपालिका गठन भई विधिवत संचालनमा आएको २०५४ अषाढ मसान्त पूर्व र न.पा. को क्षेत्र विस्तार भइ गाबिन आएका साबिकका फिनाम र नारेश्वोर गा.वि.स. मा २०७१ मग्सिर मसान्त पूर्व निर्मित भवन तथा अन्य संरचनाहरुको नक्सा पास गर्न २०७३ असार मसान्त सम्मको समय दिई आबेदन आब्हान गर्ने र प्राबिधिक चेकजाच गराई साबिक मापदण्ड र न. पा. को नक्सा पास तथा भबन निर्माण निर्देशिका २०६७ एव हाल जारी सडक मापदण्ड अनुसार हुन आएमा नक्सा पास प्रक्रिया अगाडि बढाउने भनि नवौ नगर परिषद बाट निर्णय भएकोले सबै नगरबासीहरुमा यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ǀ